80hr Wilderness First Responder & Advanced First Aid

This technical course is a comprehensive, professional-level training program suitable for those who require advanced workplace first aid certification as well as an 80-hour Wilderness First Responder cert. This course is suitable for industry professionals who require the AFA/OFA3 level of certification for professional use. Recreationalists planning remote expeditions and outdoor leaders not requiring the advanced workplace certification may prefer to take the 80-hour WFR & IFA course instead.
This course is run as an 8-day Advanced First Aid course, with the final 2 days providing the supplementary wilderness content for the Wilderness First Responder certification.
This course requires a high level of commitment, and includes self-study and homework assignments. Delivery format includes both classroom time and practical outdoor scenarios. The course is delivered over 10 days (80 hours) of instrutional time, supplemented with additional online learning. 

Prerequisite: none. Includes: certified instructor, use of first aid equipment, course manual.
Certification: Wilderness First Responder certificate and Advanced First Aid certificate with CPR C and AED training (for workplace use). This course is accredited with OFA 3 equivalency for those working in BC.

Current Offerings

Oct 2024
Oct 2024
1 Spots Available!
80hr Wilderness First Responder & Advanced First Aid - October 7-11 & 15-16
Days may vary.
Times may vary.
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