Mount Athabasca Ascent

This is a single-day ascent of the iconic 3,491m (11,453 ft) Mount Athabasca, which towers over the Columbia Icefield visitor center and the Athabasca Glacier. Its close proximity to Highway 93N makes it an ideal candidate for a one-day ascent. Depending on the route chosen, trip may involve climbing snow, ice, and rock, generally at a beginner to intermediate skill level.

You will meet your ACMG guide on Sunday evening to discuss a departure time and review details for the day.
Very early Monday morning (be prepared for a 2-3 am start) you'll begin your ascent by headlamp up the massive moraines and glaciers to the snowy summit of Mount Athabasca! Tremendous views of the surrounding peaks and icefields will be your reward.

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