Engineering 101

Engineering 101 | Grades 3-9

Curious about the world of engineering? Join Engineering 101 and spend a week investigating what it means to be an engineer at the University of Calgary and beyond. Explore the different paths you can take with engineering and challenge yourself by tackling real-world problems with innovative solutions using your newly gained understanding of the engineering design process. Campers will get to experience the thrill of designing and programming their own LEGO® SPIKE® robot, will use 3D printing and immersive VR technology, and gain hands-on experience with different chemical reactions and materials.  Join us for a week of excitement and unleash your inner scientific mind in the thrilling realm of engineering.
LEGO® SPIKE® are registered trademarks which do not sponsor, authorise, or endorse this program.

**Please note that activities are subject to change and are presented as examples only. Grade refers to the grade your child is entering in the fall.

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