
View all kendo programs


Fall 2024 registration opens July 15, 2023
Program starts September, 2024
15 spots 
Beginners Starts September, 2024
10 spots

Welcome to Kendo Club. Kendo is a traditional Japanese Martial art of Fencing using a bamboo sword called a Shinai. The goal of Kendo is to develop one’s self through h practice. Physical and mental strength can be achieved via rigorous practice and commitment to one self and others. Initially all that is required is athletic clothing and appreciation for traditions as well as s traditional teaching methods. Students must purchase all of their own gear. Shinai are for sale through the club and advice on equipment is freely given.

Please be aware of the differences between each level.

Beginners program: Beginners I program is for those that have none or very minimal Kendo experience.
Advanced Beginners: Beginners II program is for those that have own equipment and beginners Kendo experience from the University club or from another club.
Regular Kendo program: For Advanced participants who have done both the Active Living beginner programs or anyone who has own Bogu and Kendo experience.

Program fee works out to approximately $20.50 per week.